EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012
Requirements For The Operation Of Various Types Of Bodies Performing Inspection.
ISO/IEC 17020:2012 standard is an international accreditation standard that comprises of certification process of institutions. ISO 17024 standard specifies the conditions that provide the certification institutions applications as ISO/IEC 17025, ISO/IEC 17021 reliable, consistent and comparable.
ISO/IEC 17020,2012 standard is prepared in the light of experiences of institutions with the conditions and advices that are in the ISO 9000 standards and Europe and international documents as ISO/IEC Guide 39.
ISO/IEC 17020 standard comprises of general criteria for objective institutions competences that examine things things without doing sector operation. What is more, it specifies Standard independent criteria. When applied to a specific sector or in-serive examination, commending this criteria can be necessary.
It enables that certification programmes that are applied by accreditated, examined institutions according to ISO/IEC 17020 can be agreeable both at the national and international level.
Accreditation means stability, consistency, trust and voluntariness. It means authorisation. It gives the right of use of institution’s own logo and authority.
It needs to found the management system, document and apply within the frame of general conditions where the certification institution candidates can be examined before the application to accreditate accroding to ISO/IEC 17020:2012 standard.